
Mohist is a versatile server software for Minecraft Java that combines the features of Bukkit and Forge. It allows for both plugins and mods, offering a hybrid approach that enables extensive customization and modded gameplay on a single server.

Mohist | Grass Plan

Mohist | Grass Plan

€ 1.00

United Kingdom
1GB Premium Ram
0.75vCore @ 3.2GHz
20GB Enterprise Storage

Mohist | Sand Plan

Mohist | Sand Plan

€ 2.00

United Kingdom
2GB Premium Ram
1vCore @ 3.2GHz
40GB Enterprise Storage

Mohist | Cobblestone Plan

Mohist | Cobblestone Plan

€ 3.00

United Kingdom
3GB Premium Ram
1.5vCore @ 3.2GHz
60GB Enterprise Storage

Mohist | Iron Plan

Mohist | Iron Plan

€ 4.00

United Kingdom
4GB Premium Ram
2vCore @ 3.2GHz
80GB Enterprise Storage

Mohist | Gold Plan

Mohist | Gold Plan

€ 5.00

United Kingdom
5GB Premium Ram
2.5vCore @ 3.2GHz
100GB Enterprise Storage

Mohist | Redstone Plan

Mohist | Redstone Plan

€ 6.00

United Kingdom
6GB Premium Ram
3vCore @ 3.2GHz
120GB Enterprise Storage

Mohist | Emerald Plan

Mohist | Emerald Plan

€ 7.00

United Kingdom
7GB Premium Ram
3.5vCore @ 3.2GHz
140GB Enterprise Storage

Mohist | Diamond Plan

Mohist | Diamond Plan

€ 8.00

United Kingdom
8GB Premium Ram
4vCore @ 3.2GHz
160GB Enterprise Storage

Mohist | Netherite Plan

Mohist | Netherite Plan

€ 10.00

United Kingdom
10GB Premium Ram
5vCore @ 3.2GHz
200GB Enterprise Storage

Mohist | Obsidian Plan

Mohist | Obsidian Plan

€ 12.00

United Kingdom
12GB Premium Ram
6vCore @ 3.2GHz
240GB Enterprise Storage

Mohist | Bedrock Plan

Mohist | Bedrock Plan

€ 16.00

United Kingdom
16GB Premium Ram
8vCore @ 3.2GHz
320GB Enterprise Storage