
Go Servers leverage Go's simplicity and efficiency to handle high concurrency with ease. Known for its fast compilation and performance, Go servers are perfect for building scalable network services and distributed systems.

Golang | Basic Plan

Golang | Basic Plan

€ 1.20

United Kingdom
1GB Premium Ram
1vCore @ 3.2GHz
10GB Enterprise Storage
2 Backups, 1 Databases, 1 Ports

Golang | Basic+ Plan

Golang | Basic+ Plan

€ 2.40

United Kingdom
2GB Premium Ram
2vCore @ 3.2GHz
20GB Enterprise Storage
2 Backups, 2 Databases, 2 Ports

Golang | Pro Plan

Golang | Pro Plan

€ 4.80

United Kingdom
4GB Premium Ram
4vCore @ 3.2GHz
50GB Enterprise Storage
3 Backups, 3 Databases, 2 Ports

Golang | Extreme Plan

Golang | Extreme Plan

€ 9.60

United Kingdom
8GB Premium Ram
8vCore @ 3.2GHz
100GB Enterprise Storage
5 Backups, 3 Databases, 3 Ports